Sunday, July 22, 2012


This film is one I can't believe I have overlooked.  Granted, there are many of those movies. But this is one I was really glad I took the time to sit and watch.  Had me laughing from the beginning till the end.  It has one of the best ways to explain who the characters are without having them speak in the beginning.  All through a fight scene. Just fantastic.

Even the scene where the two are trying to make some money by donating their sperm really speaks about their characters.  So from a fight scene and a few lines of dialog we get to learn everything we, as an audience, need to know about these two.  

The movie is about two guys looking to make cash in any way they can.  So they find out that a woman is having a rich man's child.  They are willing to kidnap her and hold her for ransom.  They quickly learn that her life isn't worth that much to her bodyguards.  Very weird, I know!  The movie progresses as the two try to get rich off the girl through the ransom money that leads into a pretty sweet gun fight.  I really wish I got around to this movie a lot sooner.  It has everything I enjoy.  Gun fights, funny dialog, funny fight scenes, two actors I never thought would work so well together on screen, and a pretty good cast. 

These two should do another movie together.
There wasn't much about the film I hated since I didn't really know anything about it other than, "YOU HAVE TO SEE IT!" Also, when I watched the opening scene, I knew what I was getting into.  A film that isn't supposed to be so serious and I better have a sense of humor otherwise I am not going to enjoy watching what I am about to watch.  Thankfully, I do have a sense of humor.  This isn't a film one can watch thinking this should have been in the Academy Awards.  No.  It's not. And it doesn't. Is it a good film to watch?  I would say so. 

Reasons to watch this film?  1) You got time to kill and need a funny movie to watch. 2) You want to see two actors you never thought would be a duo in a film before.  3) You like gun fights and really funny moments.  And I don't mean slipping on a banana peel.  I mean along the lines of how two killers have a sense of humor.  
Reasons not to see this film?  1) If you aren't really into a film about two killers kidnapping a woman that is pregnant and that is supposed to be a funny topic.  2) Ummm you don't watch movies that don't have to do with winning some type of Academy Award.   

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