Friday, July 20, 2012


The Dark Kni.  Guess the Knights Who Say 
Ni will be pissed.
What can I say about this movie without actually giving anything away?  The film is amazing.  Is it something you should be seeing in theaters? Yes.  If you don't, well you should go slip on a banana peel, while playing in traffic.  I will do my best in this review to not spoil anything.  Except that Batman is Bruce Wayne.  OOPS! Sorry! Sorry! Well. It's been typed.  I can't delete it now.   

The Dark Knight Rises met all my expectations. The film is a great way to end the trilogy.  Why you ask?  Well go see it and you will understand my reasons.Though, there are some who would disagree with me.  Throughout the film I don't think there is a dull moment.  It starts off with the audience right in action.  It almost reminded me of how The Dark Knight starts off.  Something is going to happen.  We get to see what has been going in the past eight years for everyone after Harvey Dent's death.  

In the trailers it doesn't look as if Bane is really tall or that big.  Trust me, the trailers don't do him any justice.  Bane doesn't have the venom.  BUT I was expecting that since things are different in this Batman world.  I mean the Joker in the last one had to wear war paint, so I wasn't expecting Bane to have the venom.  That was one thing I was able to overlook.  

The other character that I know some were having a problem with is Catwoman. The reason was because Anne Hathaway is playing her. I'm just going to say right now, why did you have your doubts?  Remember when we all doubted that The Dark Knight was going to be horrible because of who got the role as the Joker?  Well naysayers, Catwoman was done pretty well. I thought she did a pretty good job for what the role is.  I mean I knew they weren't going to show much of her since this is a Batman movie.  And the last thing we need is another Catwoman movie.  Also, I need to add, that outfit of hers. Just wow. I'm sure everyone was checking her out at some point.  You can say "I didn't because I'm a girl," or "I'm gay and don't like that."  All I would say to you is, you are a liar.  And you know you checked her out.

I just want to mention how hard this is to write since there are SO many things I'm skipping because I don't want to ruin it for anyone that hasn't seen it. 

One thing I figured out early in the film was one of the twists.  So that bothered me that I was sitting and waiting for it to happen and when it did some people in the theater went "WHAT! NO WAY" As I sat there saying, "Really?  No one figured it out?"  That made me sad.  Then again, I have read comic books my whole life and knew the story of what was going to happen.  So I guess I can't get too mad.  Which twist am I speaking of? In two weeks I will mention in the comments below which one.  

The fight scenes are great.  Batman and Bane's two fight scenes, done very well.  It had me at the edge of my seat that's the most I can tell you without giving too much away. Ugh! I know.  I want to say much more. 

So let me bring this to an end since I know if I keep going I will spoil something and feel like a HUGE douche.  

Reasons why to see this film.  1) It's the last Batman movie by Christopher Nolan and his team.  2) You want to finish the trilogy.  3) You don't want to be left out of conversations when people are talking about the movie. 4) You want to see a great film.  5) Do you really need more reasons to see it?  GO SEE IT!

Reasons not to see this film.  1) You're lame.  2) You hated the first two.  3) You hate comic book movies.  4) You hate Batman(if you do then I feel sorry for you and the no friends you have). 5) You are such a fanboy that you find everything wrong with the film even though they combined stories and still refuse to let it go. There really is no reason why you shouldn't see this movie unless you agreed with one of my reasons of why you shouldn't see it.  If so, well then I hope your computer catches on fire right now.

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